Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tried and True: Cover Girl

Most of us make-up wearing peeps have probably tried CoverGirl make-up. A lot of us probably started with CoverGirl in high school (I did! EVERYONE had those compacts in their jeans and we used to put the clean foundation on, on the bus ride to school every morning!). 

Over the years this has been one brand (along with Revlon) that I return to again and again. And in the last 5 or so years they have really come out with a butt load of amazing new products. If you haven't tried the CoverGirl Outlast mascaras, go do that when you are done reading this post. 

So in the last several months, CoverGirl has launched several new products and revamped their packaging on a lot of old favorites. I know a lot of people don't care for the way their face products smell, BUT I personally really like it ;-) It smells like Noxema to me and that brings back happy memories for me.

Below are a few of my fave new things and one oldie but goodie!

I will start left to right here. SO the first product I want to talk about is a new foundation that is pretty much the bomb dot com. It is the new CoverGirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation. It says it's a primer, concealer and foundation all in one. AND IT HAS A PUMP (Dear Revlon, is that so friggin much to ask?!?) I love the pump because I can pump the product onto the back of my hand and dip my brush into it or dot it right on my face and blend. This foundation does not have a smell, and I wear it in the shade Classic Ivory (which I have worn since HS, sadly I have never really been tan). This foundation also has an SPF 20 in it. Which is awesome, but wouldn't photograph well with that high of an SPF - just a little tip. Any-hoo, I love this, it covers well and I really only use under eye concealer and a little powder on the nose and SHAZAM, hello gorgeous!

Speaking of concealer and powder, the other products pictured here are the Olay & CoverGirl Simply Ageless Eye Concealer, CoverGirl CLEAN Pressed Powder and the Olay & CoverGirl concealer balm. Love the powder, always have. I wear it in Classic Ivory as well and I think this is one of the best drugstore powders on the market. As for the Olay & Cover Girl products, OMG, this stuff is the shiznit. The under eye concealer makes the Maybelline one with the sponge on it look like child's play. PLUS it has amazing Olay skin care technology to help get rid of those dark circles. And the concealer balm is so frickin fabulous I can't even tell you. It's creamy enough to put under your eyes, but also works well on any other imperfections you may have going on.

Also really loving the new CoverGirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Polishes! I have Forever Festive (red), Pink-finity (baby pink), and Non-Stop Stone (gray). LOVE these! They last a long time and are pretty opaque. I am currently rocking the pink and gray shades.

I can't get this effing pic to lay right, sorry about that. BUT this is the new CoverGirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Ballet Twist. A very light, everyday nude color that will go with so many looks. It's self sharpening so you just twist the silver part up and it's so easy to apply. Also, in terms of jumbo pencils, this one is really moisturizing! It must be the balm part.

So that's it, I hope you enjoyed this! Have you tried any of CoverGirl's new products? What are your faves? This is probably my fave drugstore brand. If I could only buy one brand from the drugstore I would have to pick CoverGirl.

Other CoverGirl faves:
- Outlast Mascara (orange tube)
- CoverGirl Cheekers Blush (warning these have the Noxema smell so if that bothers you you may not like these)
- Perfect Point Plus Eyeliner in Onyx (works great on the water line!)

A couple of disclaimers:
1. All products listed above were purchased with my own hard-earned $$, this is not a sponsored post.

2. I purchased the products above over the course of about 3 months or so. You can score some really great coupons in your Sunday paper :-)

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