Friday, August 29, 2014

Travel Beauty - Skincare!

A couple of weeks ago I did a blog on travel beauty, and I had a request for travel skin care, so today I am going to talk a little about what I take when I travel.

As you can see above, basically my secret to skin care when you travel is samples. No I don't take all of these and no I didn't raid the samples at my local Sephora. BUT when I place online orders (which is not nearly as often as you might think) OR when I do go to a beauty counter, I ALWAYS get samples. Not always of skin care but that's one of the first ones I ask for.

I like to get samples of cleansers and moisturizers as well as eye creams and serums. So when I travel typically I will take make-up wipes. Two of my faves are the Equate wipes (pictured) or the Neutrogena wipes in the blue packaging. Both of these wipes are great for removing everything including waterproof items. And they don't irritate my face. Then I add in samples for other items I need.

I would encourage you to ask at your fave beauty counters if they have samples or travel size versions of your fave items. You'd be surprised at what they do have.

Drug store skin care items are a little trickier as they usually are in packaging too large to carry on and don't often come in travel sizes. SO I buy little containers and empty product from larger containers into the smaller ones and label them accordingly.

Keep in mind this is what I bring when I am flying and taking only carry on luggage. If I were checking a bag I would most likely just bring everything I would normally use and not worry about samples.

I have found this to be a great way to save space and try out some new things.

FYI - this also works for hair products. Samples of argan oil are super easy to come across so one packet of that and I'm set for the week. Travel size hair spray (John Freida is my FAVE) and shampoo/conditioner are also easy to find. One tip there though is to look up the hotel you are staying at, often times they list toiletries and even more often than that, THEY ARE GOOD BRANDS. I've stayed places that offer Peter Thomas Roth, Bumble & Bumble and other higher end shampoos that are (in some cases) better than what I would have brought. So do your research before you pack.

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