Friday, June 3, 2011


Today is my baby girl Sasha's 4th birthday!!!! I cannot believe it's been 4 years already, holy cow time flies!

I had never had a dog before (growing up an Army brat we never had dogs because we moved around too much), but one day Tony came home and said he wanted to get another dog, and call it Sasha. He said he wanted a rottweiler like his last dog. Knowing absolutely nothing about dogs, let a lone dog breeds, all I knew is that his previous dog was big, with brown and black fur, and that she was adorable.

Once Tony contacted the breeder this was the picture they sent us of our Sasha:
O.M.G. I was totally in love with her already and July 28th could not get here fast enough (that's the day they brought her to our house). Seriously, is there anything more adorable than that sassy little face?!?!?!?!

So of course, I went out and started buying her toys and treats and all kinds of other puppy stuff, and Tony thought I had lost my mind, but he let me do it anyway.

Then finally after waiting for what seemed like pretty much forever, Miss Sasha Marie came home to our house:
In the span of about .03 seconds I went from someone who, frankly wasn't really that interested in dogs, to an all out-crazy dog lady, ha! Sasha was so good right from the start but man oh man did we ever have some attitude, hehe...
Anyway since then my life has totally been changed, a year after got got Sasha, we got Diesel Jack from a different breeder, but both Sasha and Diesel have the same dad so they are actually brother and sister.

I used to look at people who said dogs are their best friends and how they just loved the sloppy dog kisses they would get from their pets, and I would think those people clearly need to get out more and get a hobby. But now I am totally one hundred percent one of those people! I just couldn't imagine my life without my dogs. They are seriously my best buds ever :-)
So happy Birthday to my Sassy Princess Sasha! Momma and Daddy love you xoxo!

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