Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer Hits and Misses

Given that Labor Day weekend is the "unofficial" end of summer, I decided to recap some of faves and not so faves of summer. 

I know, I know no one wants summer to end but me, blah blah blah. But seriously, fall is awesome. Have you seen the new issues of Vogue, Glamour, and InStyle?!??! Fall booties, leggings???? OMG I have goosebumps!

Okay so here are my top 3 fave products of the summer:

#1 mark. Get a Tint tinted moisturizer. I love this product sooooooooo much. It has SPF 15 in it and it's a great sheer coverage for hot summer days. Even though it's sheer it's amazing what this stuff will cover up! Love it! Plus it's only $10!!

#2 Moroccan Oil. Okay so here's the story with this: If you have hair you need this. Seriously. I did a review on this earlier this month  check it out ;-) This stuff is like liquid gold, the holy grail, a lifesaver, etc. All you need is a tiny drop and rub through your hair with your fingers, style as usual and BAM. Done. Gorgeous, shiny amazing hair. Get it. 

#3 Surprise love! Covergirl's new Natureluxe Mousse Mascara. I have it in blacest black and it is awesome. It makes your lashes long and think and it feels like nothing. Really, your lashes feel like they are weightless, not that hard crunchy feeling they sometimes get when using other mascaras. I had a coupon for $1 off from the Sunday paper and right now I think Walgreens has them for buy one get one 50% off or something. Try it, you'll be pleasantly surprised. 

And now for the not so faves.......

#1 So this gets the EPIC FAIL of the summer award from me. I know some people might really love this and that's totally fine, but you're wrong ;-) 

First of all the brush looks like holy hell, I was like WTF when I went to use it, it looked like it was going to get tangled in my lashes. Then when I put it on it made such a clumpy wet mess that I had mascara from my eyebrows to my cheekbones. It also had a weird chemical smell to it and I seriously could not get it off my face fast enough. 

I would like to add that it is highly possible I had a defective tube, but based on this experience I will never buy this again. And usually I love Maybelline mascara (great lash, volume express, full n soft are some of my faves!). 

#2 mark. Min-A-Real Cream to Powder Mineral Foundation. Alright, I know I'm going to get a LOT of crap for this one. When I first tried this I loved it, then I hated it, then I loved it again. And now...well....I don't hate it per se, but I definitely don't love it. I know a lot of people do and it covers great. But my problem with it is that no matter what I use to put it on with it's too heavy, it makes my face shiny and ultimately I get a zit or two from it. Bummer because I really wanted to love this as much as everyone else, but for me and my skin type it's not going to work. 

BUT I will say that I have seen some women with this on and it looks ah-mazing! Seriously, I have samples if you're interested. 

So there you have it, these are my hits and misses for summer beauty. What have been some of you faves?? How about the not so faves??? 

I love reading comments, so post below :-)

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