Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Healthy Journey Part Four - Let's Do This.

Hi Everyone! This is the fourth post in my Healthy Journey Series.

After coffee that day I was able to find used P90X3 workouts online for super cheap and placed my order. I texted my friend and agreed that the following weekend I would get started. She had already started so she was a week or two ahead of me. 

The DVDs arrived and I was super pumped. I read everything I could find and watched a crazy amount of YouTube videos so I understood just what I was in for. The program was seven days a week and each workout was only 30 minutes so I figured at the bare minimum that I would lose weight because I was going to be working out seven days a week as opposed to one or zero days a week.

(February 14, 2015, I am sucking in my belly so much here that I can barely breathe.)

So on Saturday morning I woke up and did my first P90X3 workout. And it was not as terrifying as I thought. It was hard. And I was sweaty. But I didn't die and I didn't puke (I set the bar pretty low), so I considered it a win. And then something weird happened. I was super excited for the next workout. Weird. And then after the second workout, it happened again. I really enjoyed working out. Who knew? It was so helpful to have my friend for support. We texted each other and encouraged each other the whole way. It took us a little longer than the 90 days to complete the program, with work and life we weren't able to work out every single day of that 90 days. So in June I/we completed the 90 day program. 

And the results were kind of awesome. 

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