Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Healthy Journey Part Three - Ask for help.

Hi everyone! This is my third post in my Healthy Journey Series.

Once you have your head in the game, things will change dramatically. Being healthy is a lifestyle. Not a diet. It's not fitting into pants from high school (even if the 90's are trending again). It's about doing things everyday that will make a difference. Taking a walk. Choosing an apple instead of potato chips, eating a salad instead of another slice of pizza (but still have a slice!). It's all the little things that add up to change.

(This is Isis. She is not impressed with my journey. Or yours.)

I had to realize that this couldn't be a short term solution to a long term problem. I love eating and I love some forms of exercise so I had to find something that would allow me to work my body in an enjoyable way and still allow me to eat "real" food (because apparently I thought really fit people ate "pretend" food...)

So after I sort of got that I need to make some lifestyle changes I asked for help. It didn't really come across as a direct ask like, "Hey I need help, please help me!" But one of my best friends is super fit and has always made healthier eating choices than me so I asked her what she was doing. I told her I needed to try something new because the same old crap wasn't working. This was right after the holidays and she was looking to get back on track too so it was perfect timing really. She told me that she had done P90X3 a couple of times and was impressed with her results and would do it with me if I was willing.

Internally I was freaking out, but I heard myself say "Yes! Okay!" I was panicking because here's what I knew about P90X:
  • Really buff people were on the DVD cover = Really buff people did P90X workouts.
  • What the eff is P90X3?
  • I haven't been really, truly physically active in like a decade or more. 
My friend played volleyball in high school and has always been in slightly better shape than me so I was thinking there was no way in hell I would be able to do this and keep up with her. So I did what any person would do. I fished for a compliment/reassurance. I said "Yeah I am so out of shape though, do you think I would be able to do those workouts?" And she was wonderful and said "You look great! Of course you can, they're only 30 minutes!"

And all I heard was  "You look great!" and "30 minutes". Certainly I can fricking handle 30 fricking minutes. I mean seriously.

So I left coffee with her agreeing to purchase the DVDs online and we would start the following week. On Valentine's Day actually. 


  1. I love your blog! Keep it up! <3

  2. Ohmigosh I'm in this one!!!! Yay!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
