Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fall Favorites

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp cool mornings, snuggling into warm fuzzy blankets and sweaters. I love football and Fall TV (Empire and Sleepy Hollow are my faves!) So for this post I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite fall "things".

1. Orange and gold. Pumpkins, leaves, nail polish, everything this time of year is some variation of orange and gold. I love how rich it makes things look (not like money rich), it's just the best.

2. Cinnamon and pumpkin scented everything. My house never smells better.

3. Family time. I have the best memories of fall as a kid and this time of year always makes me feel nostalgic for those times. But fall means the beginning of the holiday season and some of the funnest times you will spend all year with your fam.

4. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! The best fall/Halloween movie. Ever.

5. Halloween - I love to decorate for it, celebrate it and just everything.

6. Boots! I love boots! And scarves. Fall fashion is so comfortable and I love the chunky knits, the fleece lined things, everything is just so cozy and COMFY.

7. The September Issue. As in Vogue. I seriously wait all year for this to arrive. I look at it probably 100 times and tear out pages of clothes, hair, anything that inspires me for season and I try to re-create looks with things I already have or identify (much cheaper versions) pieces that I want to buy for my fall wardrobe. Burgundy knee-high boots and plaid everything made in this year (thanks JustFab and Target!) but I am huge fan of plaid anything all the time, not just this year.

8. Baking. Is there any time of year that has better baked goods than fall? The answer is no. Pumpkin pie, pumpkins seeds, cinnamon cookies, banana bread. Bam.

9. Bonfires. Sure summer bonfires are great, being at the lake/beach, blah blah blah. But fall bonfires smell better, they burn brighter, AND there are no bugs. No bugs. #winning

10. Fall folklore and rituals. So interesting. Preparing for the fall solstice, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, all those things, fascinating.

What's your favorite thing about fall?


  1. I am so in love with fall also! Boots, sweaters, sweatshirts.... pumpkins and mums!

  2. I am so in love with fall also! Boots, sweaters, sweatshirts.... pumpkins and mums!

    1. We bought two baskets of mums about a month ago and they are pretty much dead already. I need to get better at flowers/gardening; I never remember to water anything.
