Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hi, I'm not dead.

Eight months.

That's how long it's been since my last post.

(Dahlia isn't impressed either.)

Some of you are going, "I know!" and some of you are thinking, "Who is this bitch?". Yeah, it's been awhile. Life happened, I left this blog in the dust and just didn't really feel like doing anything about it. Lazy? Kind of. Rude? Maybe. But I am really hoping to be back on track with things and move forward from here.

Part of why it's been so long is I just honestly haven't felt all that inspired by blogs lately. It seems like the same old same old crap content everywhere. And I just felt really blah about my own blog. I felt like I was trying to be and keep up with someone I'm not. I am not a professional blogger. I do not want to forgo sleep and snuggles with my fur babies to write a post for you. Sorry. And then I just got really crabby about the whole blogging thing in general. So I stopped.

But now, I want to get back in the game and take this blog in a bit of a different direction. I want you guys to feel like we are BFFs sitting down to a glass of wine and I have something fun (and maybe sometimes it won't be so fun  - not everything is unicorns and rainbows) to share with you. I want to take a look at other areas of my life and share those with you as well. Beauty will likely still be the main focus as it's something I really enjoy and like to share my opinions on, but it can't be the only focus. I bored myself, so I hope I didn't bore you.

Some of the things that have been going on since my last post:

- I lost 20 pounds, maybe you want to hear about that?
- I switched jobs.
- One of my dogs had ACL surgery.
- One of our chickens was brutally murdered by a hawk/owl/chupacabra/alien.
- Tony and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary.
- I was in a fashion show and made some kick ass new friends.
- Other shit I can't remember; it was eight months guys. Jeez.

As soon as this post is done, I am going to write up several more so that I have more consistent stuff for you.

Quick question. If you have a blog/website/whatever, how do you stay motivated to keep posting content for your readers?

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