Sunday, October 11, 2015

Everything Happens for a Reason

Ok time to get a little deep on the blog. Do you believe in coincidence? I don't. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes you don't know why, and sometimes it takes for freaking ever to determine what that reason is. But ultimately I do not believe that things are random.

Take one example. Back in 2002 I went to college and met some extremely awesome people. I didn't know it at the time but one of them would be responsible for introducing me to Tony. It took four years for the timing to be right, but here we are nine years later and still going strong.

Another example, taking a chance on a business opportunity with mark. (now under Avon) allowed me to make some really awesome friends I would never have met otherwise and that has led to not only some amazing friendships but through that network of friends I was introduced to more business opportunities and new networks of people. And this blog.

It's really crazy how things are all connected, even when you can't see it right away. Especially the smaller things. If you would have chosen to sit somewhere different or take a different route to work; all of those little things can lead to something that could have completely changed your life. It could be something as small as a shittier commute by taking a route that had unexpected road construction, or by introducing yourself to someone at a networking meeting who ends up becoming a co-worker down the line. Crazy.

Sometimes things happen that are good, and some things that happen are extremely shitty. But all of those things are there to teach you something and make you stronger and wiser for what is yet to come.

I'm sorry if that is too deep or vague or weird; but I was just reflecting on my life lately and feeling really awesome about how things are going and grateful for all of the lessons I have learned (good and bad).

What are your thoughts on this? any strange "coincidences" or choices you want to share?

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